Shaman’s Masks
These masks are made from wood or bone, but sometimes more exotic materials as well. Most cover only the upper half of the wearers face or leave an open space for the mouth. They are usually painted in stark colors or decrated with feathers or leaves. These masks are used by shamans to help them communicate with spirits, as it makes them appear not quite human and separates them from the mortal world, and allows them to peer into the spiritworld and see things normally hidden from human eyes. Each mask is different in both appearance and specific abilities and the more powerful ones have often been handed down from masters to apprentices for many generations. Common abilities are:
- Infrared Vision (as the spell).
- Detect Magic (a limited number of uses per day or permanent).
- Surprised by spirits only on a 1 in 6 chance.
- +2 or +4 Willpower bonus on saving throws (replaces and does not add to the modifier from Wisdom).
- Immunity against fear.
- Immunity against mind reading and mind control.
- +2 or +4 bonus on reaction rolls against spirits.
- Observers are unable to identify the wearer of the mask and can only remember his clothing (including the appearance of the mask).
- Wraithshape one or three times per day.
- Permanent charm person.
- Suggestion three times per day.