Some things that can be randomly found on killed or captured NPCs in the Ancient Lands. It’s a great tool for showing the players about the setting instead of telling them, which I think first appeared in Vornheim by He Who Must Not Be Named. Since I believe no kittens were killed in the development of this idea, I have no problems with using it. It’s a great tool that every setting that wants to be more than generic should use.
- Bag with silver scraps (worth 1d4 x 10 sp)
- Bag with silver coins (worth 1d6 x 10 sp)
- Bag with gold nuggets (worth 1d10 x 10 sp)
- Small gold idol (worth 1d10 x 10 sp)
- Small carved ivory idol
- Small carved wooden idol
- Small clay idol
- Iron dagger (deals full damage to spirits)
- Obsidian knife (deals full damage to spirits, breaks when rolling a 1 against an armored foe)
- Iron tipped arrows (1d10)
- Obsidian tipped arrows (1d10)
- A map showing the location of a site in the wilderness (random monster lair or a prepared full size dungeon)
- Glas jar with glowing slugs (light as a candle, slugs live for 10 days if fed leaves)
- Crystal that glows like a candle for three hours after lying in a campfire for one hour
- Pouch with iron nails (1d10)
- Pouch with opium
- Pouch with salt
- Herbal potion (heals 1d4 points of damage)
- Herbal potion (+2 to all saving throws and Constitution checks against exhaustion)
- Herbal potion (+1 to attack and damage, -2 penalty to AC)
- Vial with water from a healing spring (heals 1d6+1 points of damage when drunk or negates 1 level lost from energy drain when worn as an amulet and then rendered inert)
you can name me