I saw the first reveal trailer for the New Star Wars movie when it was first released and I already didn’t like it. That rediculous three bladed lightsaber was just too stupid, as was that silly googly eye robot. And even though it was announced that the movie would be a completely different continuity than almost all the existing material that we’ve been loving for the last 24 years, I thought I am probably ending up seeing it anyway.
But now someone showed me a link to one of the changes they appear to have decided on (“Disney’s already fucking up Star Wars!”) and that confirms to me that indeed, this is a completely different universe, entirely unconnected to the Expanded Universe. It is only that the events of the first six movies happened to happen identically in both. (Obviously big spoiler.)
It’s not that I have any particular attachment to this part of the EU, but it seems pretty indicative that not only do they plan to tell the story differently, but actually make it a completely different story altogether. At least Nu Trek is a semi remake of Star Trek I and Star Trek II, but Nu Wars apparently doesn’t even care for that. Well, neither do I care for Nu Wars.
It’s not really a problem for me. It’s not like de Camp destroyed Conan. He just wrote his own officially licensed fan fiction. In fact, it is probably better that they decided to make Nu Wars, as that leaves the Expanded Universe untouched.
So let’s not treat this as a day of disastrous news, but instead as another opportunity to think of the greatest works of the Star Wars continuity:
- Tales of the Jedi
- Knights of the Old Republic (videogame)
- Knights of the Old Republic (comic)
- Racer
- Republic Commando
- Revenge of the Sith
- Tie Fighter
- Star Wars
- The Empire Strikes Back
- Return of the Jedi
- X-Wing: Rogue Squadron, Wedge’s Gamble, The Krytos Trap, The Bacta War
- Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command
- Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy
Freaking Star Wars! Fuck Yeah! I love this stuff.